Gender differences in health care-seeking behavior for sexually transmitted diseases: a population-based study in Nairobi, Kenya

Voeten, Hélène.A.C.M.; O'hara, H.B.; Kusimba, J.; Otido, J.M.; Ndinya-Achola, J.O.; Bwayo, J.J.; Varkevisser, C.M.; Habbema, J.Dik.F.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases 31(5): 265-272


ISSN/ISBN: 0148-5717
PMID: 15107627
DOI: 10.1097/01.olq.0000124610.65396.52
Document Number: 258365
Background: Health care-seeking behavior for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is important in STD/HIV control. Goal: The goal of this study was to describe the proportion seeking care, patient delay, and choice of provider among men and women with STD-related complaints in Nairobi, Kenya. Study Design: A population-based questionnaire was administered in 7 randomly selected clusters (small geographic areas covering approximately 150 households each). Results: Of the 291 respondents reporting complaints, 20% of men versus 35% of women did not seek care, mainly because symptoms were not considered severe, symptoms had disappeared, or as a result of lack of money. Of those who sought care, women waited longer than men (41 vs. 16 days). Most men and women went to the private sector (72% and 57%, respectively), whereas the informal sector was rarely visited (13% and 16%, respectively). Relatively more women visited the government sector (28% vs. 15%). Because women were mostly monogamous, they did not relate their complaints to sexual intercourse, which hampered prompt care-seeking. Conclusion: Women should be convinced to seek care promptly, eg, through health education in communities.

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