Experience with the early diagnosis and prevention of neuroendocrine diseases in an industrial enterprise

Kholodova, E.A.; Karpenko, N.P.; Shevchenko, V.N.

Problemy Endokrinologii 31(6): 32-34


ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9660
PMID: 4088988
Document Number: 257537
The paper is concerned with a pressing problem of clinical endocrinology: diagnosis of diseases of the neuroendocrine system at early stages. Examination of workers in a large enterprise of a leading industrial branch was based on a special screening program. The results obtained lay in the basis of recommendations on the primary and secondary prevention of neuroendocrine diseases provided to workers in a sanatorium-preventorium without giving up their work. A complex of health-improving measures is aimed at the prevention of disease in persons having risk factors and at maintaining the working ability among patients with neuroendocrine disturbance.

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