Mid-Aged Health in Women from the Indian Subcontinent (MAHWIS) : a further quantitative and qualitative investigation of experience of menopause in UK Asian women, compared to UK Caucasian women and women living in Delhi

Hunter, M.S.; Gupta, P.; Papitsch-Clark, A.; Sturdee, D.W.

Climacteric the Journal of the International Menopause Society 12(1): 26-37


ISSN/ISBN: 1369-7137
PMID: 19065308
DOI: 10.1080/13697130802556304
Document Number: 254837
We previously found differences in experience of menopausal symptoms between a migrated Asian sample of women from the Indian subcontinent living in the UK (UKA), and matched samples of UK Caucasian women (UKC) and Asian women living in Delhi, India (DEL). This study aims to explain these differences using quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 153 peri- and postmenopausal women aged 45-55 years (52 UKA, 51 UKC and 50 DEL) were interviewed about their experience of menopause, lifestyle and health. The current study combines a quantitative analysis of potential predictors (sociodemographic variables, mood, lifestyle, ethnicity, country of residence and religion) of vasomotor symptoms and a qualitative thematic content analysis of descriptions of experience of menopause. Country of residence and anxiety best predicted vasomotor symptoms, while religion, ethnicity, age of menopause and lifestyle factors did not. Within the UK Asian sample, poor general health, anxiety and less acculturation were predictors of vasomotor symptoms. Qualitative analyses revealed cultural differences in symptoms and beliefs about the menopause. These results challenge assumptions about migrated Asian populations living in western cultures and the qualitative data provides information that might increase understanding of the experience and meanings of menopause amongst migrated Asian communities.

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