Medicaid home and community-based care waiver programs: providing services to people with AIDS
Buchanan, R.J.; Chakravorty, B.J.
Health Care Financing Review 18(4): 83-103
ISSN/ISBN: 0195-8631 PMID: 10175615 Document Number: 254659
The authors present the results of a survey demonstrating how Medicaid programs use the home and community-based waiver programs to provide services to people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and to other targeted groups. The survey identified a number of waiver services that are effective at meeting the care needs of people with AIDS, such as case management, personal care, respite care, home intravenous therapy, attendant care, hospice, and home-delivered meals. The study demonstrates that in addition to the AIDS-specific waiver program, State Medicaid programs use the home and community-based care waiver programs for the elderly and disabled to provide services to people with AIDS because of their disability status.