Pent-up demand for care among dual-eligible victims of elder financial exploitation in Maine

Jonk, Y.; Snow, K.I.; Thayer, D.; McGuire, C.; Bratesman, S.; Smith, C.A.; Ziller, E.

Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 32(4): 334-356


ISSN/ISBN: 1540-4129
PMID: 32886027
DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2020.1806980
Document Number: 251961
Elder financial exploitation (EFE), the misuse of a vulnerable adult's property or resources for personal gain, is a form of elder abuse. This study addresses whether dual-eligible EFE victims were experiencing pent-up demand for health services alleviated through investigation by Adult Protective Services (APS). A quasi-experimental design addressed health service utilization and costs for 131 dual-eligible Maine APS clients over age 60 with substantiated allegations of EFE relative to comparable non-APS controls. APS case files spanning 2007-2012 were linked to 2006-2014 Medicare and Medicaid claims data. Service utilization and costs were analyzed 1 year prior, during, and 2 years after the initial APS investigation. Difference in differences logistic regression and generalized linear models addressed the likelihood of incurring costs and expenditure levels relative to matched controls, respectively. Victims of EFE had higher overall odds of using inpatient and long-term services and supports (LTSS) and higher odds of using LTSS post-investigation than controls. Higher overall levels of outpatient and prescriptions expenditures and higher inpatient expenditures during the APS event year contributed toward APS clients incurring $1,142 higher PMPM total costs than controls. Victims of EFE were experiencing significant pent-up demand for health services post-APS involvement.

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