Not only is the client king, but he has power! Client-orientation or organizational revolution

Dupuy, F.; Cornu, Y.

Espaces Paris 1997(148): 17-20


Document Number: 246764
Major changes are currently taking place in the service sector as organizations attempt to make their products and services more in tune with the demands of their consumers. Continuing the theme of a conference which took place in France in November 1996, the article examines client orientation and discusses the consequences of this strategy for the method of functioning and operation of tourist organizations and resorts. The importance of cooperation between managers and representatives in the organization or resort and between the partners in the sector is stressed. It is concluded that the power of the consumer is increasing. The strategy of client orientation is affecting the operation and functioning of many tourist enterprises and resorts in France and other countries, causing major transformations in their management and organizational structure and leading to a revision of their operational and marketing strategies.

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