HIV/STD prevention benefits of living in supportive families: a prospective analysis of high risk African-American female teens
Crosby, R.A.; DiClemente, R.J.; Wingood, G.M.; Harrington, K.
American Journal of Health Promotion Ajhp 16(3): 142-5 Ii
ISSN/ISBN: 0890-1171 PMID: 11802259 DOI: 10.4278/0890-1171-16.3.142Document Number: 244651
The relationship between family and sexual activity-related factors were measured among 522 African American adolescent girls recruited from schools and clinics in Birmingham, Alabama. Girls living with a mother in a supportive family were more likely to use condoms when having sex, less likely to have recent emotional abuse from their sex partners, less fear and higher self-efficacy in negotiating use of a condom, and fewer partner-related barriers to safer sex.