Studies on mosquito vector species in indoor habitats of desert and non-desert regions of Rajasthan
Verma, K.V.; Joshi, V.; Bansal, S.K.
Journal of Communicable Diseases 23(4): 263-269
ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5138 PMID: 1842809 Document Number: 244543
A survey undertaken in 2 desert (Jodhpur and Bikaner) and one non-desert (Jaipur) district of Rajasthan, India, during November 1986-October 1987, recorded 11 medically important mosquito species: Anopheles annularis, A. culicifacies, A. fluviatilis, A. stephensi, A. subpictus, Culex quinquefasciatus, C. pseudovishnui, C. gelidus, C. malayi, Aedes aegypti and A. vittatus. Mosquitoes were collected at dawn and dusk from indoor resting habitats using torches and aspirators. C. pseudovishnui, C. malayi and Anopheles culicifacies were found in desert districts only, while A. fluviatilis, C. gelidus and Aedes vittatus were found only in Jaipur district. Except for Anopheles subpictus, all mosquito species encountered in the desert districts showed peak densities in under conditions of RH 21-60%, while in Jaipur most species showed a peak density in the RH range 61-80%. No species were found in Jaipur at temperatures >40 degrees C.