Necesidad de organizar la fiscalizaciin de la calidad del agua en el pequeno o privado suministro, como prevencion de las enfermedades infecto-contatiosas de origen hidrico The necessity of organizing the testing of the safety of water supply in private or small scale systems, to prevent infectious-contagious diseases spread by contaminated water

Schiavone, E.L.

Rev Asoc Bioquim Argentina 26(133-134): 49-60


Document Number: 243612
Over 50% of the total population of the country lacks a public water supply. From the bacteriologic point of view, the water used by this large number is not safe. The author urges that all public health authorities to initiate an intensive program of testing the water supply and an equally intensive program of education with regard to this testing by the ministries of education, transportation, communication, etc. If this is done periodically and systematically it will be the most effective means of improving water distribution facilities and the quality of the water consumed.

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