Renal vein thrombosis in systemic lupus erythematosus: association with the "lupus anticoagulant"
Asherson, R.A.; Lanham, J.G.; Hull, R.G.; Boey, M.L.; Gharavi, A.E.; Hughes, G.R.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2(1): 75-79
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-856X PMID: 6442640 Document Number: 240366
Two patients with lupus erythematosus and renal vein thrombosis are described. Both patients had the "lupus anti-coagulant" in their serum. It is postulated that in these patients the clotting tendency could be favoured by a cross reaction of the "lupus anti-coagulant" with phospholipids in the endothelial cell membrane, resulting in inhibition of prostacyclin release.
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