Calcium antagonists in the treatment of ischemic heart disease

Ol'binskaia, L.I.; Vartanova, O.A.

Kardiologiia 24(2): 10-13


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 6371350
Document Number: 240233
Using clinical and instrumental findings, the therapeutic effectiveness, hemodynamic effects and tolerance of the three nifedipin derivatives adalate (FRG), corinfar (GDR) and fenigidin (USSR) were studied in 51 patients. The data provided by questioning, examinations and bicycle ergometric tests showed an antianginal effect in 68.5% of the patients treated with corinfar and adalate, and in 61% of those given fenigidin. The best response was observed in patients with angina of effort and those with the angiospastic variant of angina pectoris. The drugs were well tolerated and brought about an insignificant decrease in the arterial pressure and the pulse rate attended by no substantial hemodynamic alterations.

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