What women worry about: the place of HIV/AIDS and STDs in health concerns among Turkish, second-generation Greek, Chilean, Vietnamese and Anglo-Australian women

Gifford, S.M.; Bakopanos, C.; Yesilyurt, Z.; Dawson, M.T.; Rosenthal, D.; Smith, A.

Venereology 10(4): 236-249


ISSN/ISBN: 1032-1012
Document Number: 239618
The findings of this study, conducted among 5 ethnic groups of women in Melbourne, Australia, suggest that it is important to integrate ethno-sensitive strategies for education, prevention and treatment of STDs including HIV/AIDS into mainstream women's health services and to increase the role of the family doctor in prevention, harm reduction, early diagnosis and treatment of STDs. The study also suggests that although there are cultural/ethnic differences between the groups of women which influence issues of sexuality and health, as women, they share much in common across groups because of their gender. The authors argue strongly for more emphasis to be put on gender and ethno sensitive approaches (compared to gender and ethno specific approaches) that are integrated into the health services already well used by women.

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