Lymphocele after renal transplant: considerations based on a clinical case
Dean, P.; Prati, G.F.; Recchia, G.; Galvani, E.; Muolo, A.
Chirurgia Italiana 36(6): 1079-1085
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-4773 PMID: 6400078 Document Number: 238100
The Authors study again the problems of lymphocele in kidney transplantation by showing an interesting clinical case: a lymphocele with smallest size, developing an intensively compressive action on iliac vein. In the light of the experience of 354 transplantations, they discuss the etiopathology and clinics thereof. They particularly emphasize the diagnostical role of echography. Whereas the asymptomatic lymphoceles require no treatments for their trend to be reabsorbed, the symptomatic ones need a quick solution of the compressive effect. Then they consider the therapeutical solutions suggested as an alternative to the interperitoneal marsupialization, which remains the most widely used method.