Evaluation of a peer-based mental health support program for adolescents orphaned by AIDS in South Africa

Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, G.; Mokomane, Z.

Japan Journal of Nursing Science Jjns 11(1): 44-53


ISSN/ISBN: 1742-7932
PMID: 24460601
DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-7924.2012.00231.x
Document Number: 236604
This article provides the findings of a qualitative study done to evaluate the effectiveness of a peer-based mental health support program for adolescents orphaned by AIDS in South Africa known as BAR, an acronym for "Better Accept Reality". Data was collected from 15 adolescents orphaned by AIDS using focus group discussions, reflective diaries, and recordings of the adolescents' school grades. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi's steps of data analysis. The results showed a notable positive change in the participants' attitude to caregivers, responsibility to self and to others, and school grades. The study demonstrated that the peer-based mental health support program is effective in meeting the mental health needs of adolescents orphaned by AIDS. The participants were able to express their needs and improve relationships with caregivers, a clear sign of adapting to their loss.

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