Plate thermography in the assessment of changes in the female breast. 1. the value of malignancy criteria using Tricoire's technic

Bothmann, G.A.; Kubli, F.

Fortschritte der Medizin 102(14): 385-389


ISSN/ISBN: 0015-8178
PMID: 6724468
Document Number: 233727
In a retrospective study on 19,641 patients of which 2702 were clarified by morphology criteria of malignancy by Tricoire were examined. Nearly all criteria were relevant. Only the "mild circumscript heatness " and "one atypical vessel" have failed as criteria of malignancy. The vascular pattern D + E ( Bourjat ) is shown as an additive sign of malignancy. The correct classification in typical and atypical vascular patterns depends from a decisive dynamic test.

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