The prospects of community-based natural resource management in Ghana: a case study of Zukpiri community resource management area

Baddianaah, I.; Baaweh, L.

Heliyon 7(10): E08187


ISSN/ISBN: 2405-8440
PMID: 34712859
Document Number: 233606
The Community Resource Management Area (CREMA) model was adopted in Ghana in the 1990s to help conserve and increase the forest area of Ghana. Since its adoption, little is known about the prospects of the model in the scientific literature. To fill this gap, this study examined the management strategies, benefits and challenges of the Zukpiri CREMA in the Upper West Region. Mixed methods research involving a survey of 190 households, seven (7) focus group discussions and key informant interviews were employed to collect data in seven (7) CREMA communities. The study found that local communities employed several strategies including the formation of community resource management committees, enactment of bye-laws and fines regarding the management and extraction of the CREMA resources. The CREMA has positively impacted the livelihoods of the inhabitants through the harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and support from Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations. Nonetheless, the CREMA is not without challenges. These include land tenure and the CREMA resource use conflicts. This study, therefore, argued that besides creating an enabling ecologically balanced environment, inhabitants of the CREMA communities are reaping the benefits of the CREMA in many ways. Hence, the Forestry Commission of Ghana should focus on aligning relevant livelihood strategies in line with the CREMA approach to further deepen local communities' commitment to the conservation drive.

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