Adjuvant effect of acidic phospholipids on delayed type hypersensitivity in mouse

Oka, S.

Osaka City Medical Journal 30(1): 1-16


ISSN/ISBN: 0030-6096
PMID: 6514334
Document Number: 228148
The adjuvant activity of phospholipids on delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) in BALB/c mice was examined. Acidic phospholipids induced the enhancement of DTH to ovalbumin (OVA); neutral phospholipids did not exert such an activity. In order to analyse the mode of action of acidic phospholipids as adjuvant, the effects of these substances on immunocompetent cells were examined. The acidic phospholipids showed mitogenic effect on thymocytes but not on splenocytes. The neutral phospholipids revealed no mitogenic effect. Both acidic and neutral phospholipids enhanced glucosamine incorporation of macrophages. The influence on antigen presentation was examined. OVA association with both acidic and neutral phospholipid micells showed more efficient antigen presentation than free OVA. The mitogenic effect of acidic phospholipids might play an important role in adjuvant effect on DTH.

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