Exploring the associations between intimate partner violence and women's mental health: evidence from a population-based study in Paraguay

Ishida, K.; Stupp, P.; Melian, M.; Serbanescu, F.; Goodwin, M.

Social Science and Medicine 71(9): 1653-1661


ISSN/ISBN: 0277-9536
PMID: 20864237
DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.08.007
Document Number: 222609
Using a nationally representative sample from the 2008 Paraguayan National Survey of Demography and Sexual and Reproductive Health, we examine the association between emotional, physical, and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) and mental health among women aged 15-44 years who have ever been married or in a consensual union. The results from multivariate logistic regression models demonstrate that controlling for women's socioeconomic and marital status and history of childhood abuse and their male partners' unemployment and alcohol consumption, IPV is independently associated with an increased risk for common mental disorders (CMD) and suicidal ideation measured by the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). IPV variables substantially improve the explanatory power of the models, particularly for suicidal ideation. Emotional abuse, regardless of when it occurred, is associated with the greatest increased risk for CMD whereas recent physical abuse is associated with the greatest increased risk for suicidal ideation. These findings suggest that efforts to identify women with mental health problems, particularly suicidal ideation, should include screening for the types and history of IPV victimization.

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