Optic and electron microscopic study of the anal glands in man
Devaux, A.; Lecomte, D.; Brulé, J.; Bauer, P.; Parnaud, E.
Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 7(1): 43-48
ISSN/ISBN: 0399-8320 PMID: 6840446 Document Number: 220142
The pathological and ultrastructural aspects, as well as the embryologic origin, of anal ducts, initially described by Hermann and Desfosses, are not clearly nor definitively established. The origin and the structure of anal ducts found in 100 surgical hemorrhoidectomy specimens were investigated. The cytological aspects of anal ducts could be distinguished from the anorectal transitional zone by light microscopy and EM. The cells never showed any ductal features; simultaneously, the common cloacal origin of these 2 structures was confirmed.