Postoperative regression speed of chronic subdural hematoma, with special reference to the subsequent study by CT xray

Nishijima, M.; Horie, Y.; Nakata, J.; Oka, N.; Endo, S.; Takaku, A.

No Shinkei Geka. Neurological Surgery 11(8): 813-819


ISSN/ISBN: 0301-2603
PMID: 6633807
Document Number: 219645
Thirty-one adult patients with chronic subdural hematoma were treated surgically and followed Up by CT. In these cases, the postoperative regression of the hematoma cavity on CT was analysed in relation to patient's age, timing of operation, operative method, preoperative CT findings and postoperative clinical courses. In patients with older age and/or low density type of hematoma, slow reduction of subdural space was observed after operation. In five of these cases, the follow-up CT scans revealed reaccumulation of hematoma. Patients with high density type of hematoma and/or early operation from the onset showed a rapid reduction of hematoma cavity and clinical improvement.

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