Effect of air containing benzine, wolfram, titanium, cobalt and vanadium on peripheral blood
Misiewicz, A.
Medycyna Pracy 34(3): 251-257
ISSN/ISBN: 0465-5893 PMID: 6645938 Document Number: 211926
In those chronically exposed to air pollutants--i.e. a mixture of naphtha, tungsten, vanadium, titanium and cobalt--the following indices were calculated: number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, haemoglobin (Hb) level, colour index, hematocrit number, mean volume of erythrocyte (S.O.K.C.), mean weight (S.M.H.), and average haemoglobin concentration (S.S.H.) in erythrocyte, percentage composition of leukocytes. The results were compared with those of the control group. The test population exhibited: slightly decreased Hb level, decreased S.M.H. and S.S.H. in average erythrocyte. It is supposed that the decreased Hb concentration may result from the effect of naphtha on the haematopoietic system, disturbances in hemopoiesis under the effect of vanadium, as well as decreased siderofilin level.