Bacteriology of burn wound using the quantitative full thickness biopsy technique

Bharadwaj, R.; Phadke, S.A.; Joshi, B.N.

Indian Journal of Medical Research 78: 337-342


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5340
PMID: 6674155
Document Number: 204870
Patients (50) with burns ranging from 20-50% were monitored for sepsis throughout their hospital stay by the quantitative full thickness biopsy culture technique; 333 organisms were isolated from 226 biopsies. Staphylococci and gram-negative enteric bacilli were the most common aerobes isolated. Candida sp. were the most common fungi and Bacteroides melaninogenicus the most common anaerobe isolated. Quantitative bacterial counts correlated well with the clinical condition of the patient and were used for the diagnosis of burn wound sepsis, and for assessing prognosis of the patient and response to therapy.

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