Sexual violence at first intercourse against women in Moshi, northern Tanzania: prevalence, risk factors, and consequences
Williams, C.M.; McCloskey, L.Ann.; Larsen, U.
Population Studies 62(3): 335-348
ISSN/ISBN: 0032-4728 PMID: 18937146 DOI: 10.1080/00324720802315459Document Number: 204120
To explore the relationship between sexual violence at first intercourse and later sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Moshi, Tanzania, we analysed data from a representative household survey that comprised face-to-face interviews with 1,835 women and tests for six STIs on biological samples from 1,235 of these women. Overall, 10.9 per cent report forced first intercourse and 15.3 per cent report unwanted first intercourse.
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