Determinants of exposure to mass media family planning messages among indigenous people in Bangladesh: a study on the Garo

Islam, M.Rakibul.; Islam, M.Amirul.; Banowary, B.

Journal of Biosocial Science 41(2): 221-229


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-9320
PMID: 18847527
DOI: 10.1017/s0021932008003088
Document Number: 202562
This paper evaluates exposure to mass media family planning (FP) messages among the Garo, an indigenous community in Bangladesh. A sample of 223 currently married Garo women were selected purposively from two districts where most of the Garo population live. The analysis demonstrated that television was the most significant form of mass media to disseminate FP messages among the recipients - more so than radio and newspapers. About 80.6% of the respondents had heard of FP messages through television, while for the radio and newspapers the percentages were 55.3% and 22.7% respectively. The contraceptive prevalence rate is much higher (79.5%) in the study area than the national level (55.8%). A linear logistic regression model was employed to identify the confluence of different demographic and socioeconomic characteristics on mass media FP messages. Regarding exposure to FP messages, four independent variables out of six had significant effects on the exposure to FP messages through any one of the types of media, i.e. radio, television and newspapers. These independent variables were age, level of education, occupation and number of children.

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