Control of latent enzootic Aujeszky's disease

Motovski, A.; Iordanov, S.

Veterinarno-Meditsinski Nauki 19(3): 35-38


ISSN/ISBN: 0324-1068
PMID: 6291226
Document Number: 195125
An attempt was made on a swine-breeding complex, where the virus of Aujeski's disease was demonstrated to interrupt the inapparent epizootic process of the disease. The persistence of the virus on the complex was demonstrated via virologic investigations of organs of pigs with respiratory symptoms and studies of sera of various groups of animals. A batch of pigs was divided into three groups of which one was left untreated, one was vaccinated at the time of weaning, and one was vaccinated at the age of 14 days, using as many as 10 vaccinal doses with one dose of a live vaccine being used at the moment of weaning. During fattening the pigs were kept in isolation and under clinical observation with the study of organs and sera. Wild virus was demonstrated only in the group of twice vaccinated pigs. It was established that the manifold vaccinations of sucking pigs on farms that were enzootic in terms of Aujeszky's disease, using a live vaccines, with the isolation of the animals right after weaning could contribute to the interruption of the inapparent epizootic process.

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