Sex-dependent sensitivity to tuberculin in adult patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Badalík, L.; Martis, R.; Melega, J.; Kandrácová, Z.
Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 77(1): 62-67
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-9248 PMID: 7059853 Document Number: 190730
There were 565 men with pulmonary tuberculosis compared with 443 women with pulmonary tuberculosis; the distribution of sensitivity to tuberculin was studied. All subjects were 15 yr old and older. The rate of a negative tuberculin test (induration 0-5 mm) was 15.1% in men and 18.3% in women. This difference was not statistically significant. The mean value of induration of positive tuberculin reactions was significantly increased in women as compared to men.