Lithium carbonate effect on nitrotetrazolium blue (NBT) production in neutrophils of patients with granulocytopenia

Blicharski, J.; Bodzón, A.; Lisiewicz, J.

Folia Haematologica 108(4): 528-532


ISSN/ISBN: 0323-4347
PMID: 6170546
Document Number: 179768
In 30 persons with essential granulocytopenia, lithium carbonate in doses of 12.5 mg/kg per body weight was applied during 10 days. This resulted in an increased absolute neutrophil count and total leukocyte count as well as increased percentage of cells reducing NBT in the spontaneous NBT test according to Park. Prior to the beginning of treatment, patients with granulocytopenia exhibited an elevated percentage of NBT-positive cells in comparison to the control group of 28 healthy persons. The significance of this observation for treating granulocytopenia by means of the agent mentioned above is discussed.

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