Immediate Placement of Dental Implants in Molar Extraction Sockets: An 11-Year Retrospective Analysis

Smith, R.B.; Tarnow, D.P.; Sarnachiaro, G.

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry 40(3): 166-170


ISSN/ISBN: 1548-8578
PMID: 30829500
Document Number: 17727
The authors present an 11-year retrospective analysis of 300 immediately placed implants in molar extraction sockets. The protocol used for the placement and restoration of these implants is based upon a previously published article by the authors regarding the classification of molar extraction sockets. Four different implant systems were used during this study, and implants varied in diameter, length, and texture. Some implants were immediately provisionalized, and some were immediately loaded. The overall survival rate of 97.3% is similar to previously reported survival rates in delayed molar implant placement protocols. The benefits of immediate molar implant placement include a reduced number of surgical procedures and patient visits, lower cost of treatment, and shorter time required from beginning to completion of treatment.

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Immediate Placement of Dental Implants in Molar Extraction Sockets: An 11-Year Retrospective Analysis