Effect of a neurotic pesticide, endosulfan, on tissue blood flow in cats, including regional cerebral circulation

Anand, M.; Akveld, A.C.; Saxena, P.R.

Veterinary and Human Toxicology 23(4): 252-258


ISSN/ISBN: 0145-6296
PMID: 7314413
Document Number: 168808
Twenty-nine anaesthetized cats were given an intravenous infusion of endosulfan in total dosage of 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/kg, and the haemodynamic effects were measured by radioactive microspheres. Endosulfan caused hypertension, pupillary dilation, and increased cardiac output and peripheral resistance. The changes coincided with spike discharges from EEG and profuse salivation, indicative of increased autonomic activity. Blood flow to heart and brain increased while flow to the kidneys, lungs, muscles and large intestine decreased. Cerebral blood flow increased sixfold. Increased brain metabolism, due to EEG seizures, was only partly responsible for increased cerebral blood flow.

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