Current therapeutic principles as well as new therapeutic aspects of idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. II. Chemotherapeutic and direct surgical therapy
Hutschenreiter, W.; Duck, H.J.; Trenckmann, H.; Herbst, M.; Günther, K.
Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete 35(5): 197-206
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-2542 PMID: 6105746 Document Number: 163910
The severity of the functional obstruction of the outflow tract of an idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis is essentially determined by the contractility of the myocardium, the left-ventricular volume and the peripheral vascular resistance. Though in the acute experiment a clear reduction of the degree of stenosis by beta-receptor-blockers may be proved the long-term results of such a therapy are unsatisfactory, particularly in patients with obstruction in rest. The use of calcium antagonists seems to promise more favourable results. The progression of the disease is, however, scarcely influencible by pharmacological measures alone. Nitrobodies are not suitable for treatment and glycosides should be used only within a manifest insufficiency of the left heart. An effective reduction or removal of the ventriculo-ventricular pressure gradient as well as a decrease of the left-ventricular telediastolic pressure may be achieved on operative way. There is an indication to this, when the complaints increase despite medicamentous therapy. At present the transaortic myotomy under use of the heart-lung-machine is regarded as most favourable method. A simultaneous or only substitute of the mitral valve should be restricted only to those cases which, apart from the functional, still show an organically conditioned insufficiency of the mitral valve. The early and late results of the palliative surgical interventions are very favourable in experienced centres. However, secure long-term prognoses may not yet be derived from this.