Sub-adventitial cystic degeneration of the popliteal artery. one case

Paley, D.; Watelet, J.; Tenière, P.; Leturgie, C.

Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 5(3): 225-228


ISSN/ISBN: 0398-0499
PMID: 7462859
Document Number: 163036
On the basis of a new case of sub-adventitial cystic degeneration of the popliteal artery, the authors review the characteristics of this condition. The diagnosis may be suspected on the basis of clinical and arteriographic findings in an individual in whom the arterial system is otherwise normal. The various aetiological hypotheses are recalled. Treatment in the majority of cases consists of simple excision of the cyst. Intimal changes or segmental obstruction impose the need for resection with restoration of continuity by bypass.

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