Food habits and food preferences of Vietnamese refugees living in northern Florida
Crane, N.T.; Green, N.R.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 76(6): 591-593
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-8223 PMID: 7400489 Document Number: 162158
A questionnaire was administered to 260 Vietnamese refugee families to determine their food habits and preferences, and the changes and food-related problems associated with resettlement. The questionnaire was translated into Vietnamese; response rate was 30%, mostly those who had lived in Florida less than 4 years. Traditional foods (fish, rice, vegetables and tea) continued to be eaten frequently and were preferred; American foods which were added to the diet were beef, butter, milk, eggs, soft drinks, etc. There was no change in use of pork, chicken, canned vegetables, bread, oil or coffee.
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