A modified approach to opening of abdominal wall for gynaecological operations
Wulff, W.
Zentralblatt für Gynakologie 102(24): 1444-1447
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4197 PMID: 7223160 Document Number: 157624
Described in this paper is a modified method to open the abdominal wall for gynaecological operations, and it is compared for postoperative formation of haematoma with the two most common conventional methods. The modified method and lower median incision so far have been performed on a comparatively small group of patients, when compared to Pfannenstiel's incision. Therefore, no unambiguous conclusion can be drawn as yet. The validity of the method should be confirmed by a larger number of operations. The method should be tried by more hospitals to enable large-scale comparison with other techniques.