Mycosis fungoides: epidemiologic observations
Greene, M.H.; Dalager, N.A.; Lamberg, S.I.; Argyropoulos, C.E.; Fraumeni, J.F.
Cancer Treatment Reports 63(4): 597-606
ISSN/ISBN: 0361-5960 PMID: 445515 Document Number: 153697
An analysis of cases from a multi-hospital, pathologically verified clinical series and of deaths from US mortality statistics available at the county level for 1950--1975 (excluding 1972) was made in order to obtain information on the etiology of mycosis fungoides (MF). Despite the absence of an appropriate comparison group, the cases seemed to have a high frequency of antecedent allergies, fungal and viral skin infections, sun sensitivity, familial aggregation of lymphoma and leukemia, and employment in a manufacturing occupation (especially petrochemical, textile, metal, and machinery industries). The mortality survey revealed a predominance among males, nonwhites, and residents of the northeastern US, the latter due partly to an association between MF mortality and population size. The influence of occupational exposures was suggested by the excessive MF mortality rates in counties where petroleum, rubber, primary and fabricated metal, machinery, and printing industries were located.