The effectiveness of a program designed to enhance the self-esteem of female adolescents of the Rajavithi Home for Girls, Bangkok, Thailand

Apinuntavech, S.; Panichpong, T.; Shuaytong, P.; Suparp, J.; Ngoenwiwatkul, Y.

Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 92 Suppl. 7: S21-S28


ISSN/ISBN: 0125-2208
PMID: 20235355
Document Number: 15345
To study the effectiveness of group activities designed to enhance the self-esteem of female adolescents aged 12-18 years old of the Rajvithi Home for Girls, Bangkok, (experimental group) and the Saraburi Home for Girls, Saraburi, (comparison group). This was quasi-experimental research. Each group was comprised of 36 adolescents. The experimental group participated in numerous activities designed to improve their self-esteem. The activities were conducted over 4 sessions of 2-3 hours duration per session. The self-esteem assessments were conducted before, immediately after the intervention, and 4 weeks henceforth, using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory School Form (CSEI). Prior to the intervention, neither group showed any difference in its general characteristics including its self- esteem mean scores. Immediately after the intervention and, 4 weeks later, the experimental group had significantly higher self-esteem mean scores than they had prior to intervention (p < 0.001). However the comparison group showed no difference in self-esteem mean scores at both time periods of the post intervention period (p > 0.05). It was also found that the experimental group's self-esteem mean scores were significantly higher than the comparison group's, (p < 0.05) both immediately after the intervention as well as 4 weeks henceforth. The self-esteem mean score at the 4 week post intervention stage remained higher than it was after the intervention, even though there was slight decrease with significant difference (p < 0.001). The research results indicate that the self-esteem level among adolescents could be developed, especially amongst those adolescents in foster homes. Thus related organizations should conduct self-esteem enhancing activities for adolescents in order to strengthen necessary life skills including spiritual health, which are the prerequisites for success in later life.

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