Effects of different types of newborn infant feeding on intestinal microbiocenosis
Goncharova, G.I.; Semenova, L.P.; Kozlova, E.P.; Liannaia, A.M.; Ladodo, K.S.
Voprosy Pitaniia 6: 49-53
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-8833 PMID: 583188 Document Number: 151961
From 70 to 90% of premature infants on breast and additional feeding with a mixture of the "Similak" type showed normal bifidoflora, the main component of biocenosis of infant intestines. No positive shifts in the intestinal microflora composition or recovery of the bifidoflora physiological for children were recorded during feeding premature infants with pasteurized donor milk and additional feeding with kefir, a mixture of "Malyutka" and dry acidophilus mixture "Malyutka". Positive results of using the above food in conjunction with bifidumbacterin point to the perspectiveness of using bifidobacteria in the development of therapeutic additives to the infant diet.