Levamisole treatment in ulcus cruris. a double-blind placebo-controlled study
Morias, J.; Peremans, W.; Campaert, H.; Mertens, R.L.
Arzneimittel-Forschung 29(7): 1050-1052
ISSN/ISBN: 0004-4172 PMID: 387047 Document Number: 151240
59 outpatients (27-82 years) with a chronic leg ulcer participated in a 20-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial of levamisole (levamisole 30; placebo 29). They were instructed to take a body weight adjusted number of tablets (2-5) for two consecutive days every week. Previously used topical treatment was kept unchanged. Control examinations were done every two weeks. Double-blind treatment was stopped because of evident failure after a median duration of 8 weeks in 2 levamisole and 8 placebo patients. The percentage of cured patients became significantly superior in the levamisole group from week 8 onwards, so that, by the end of the study, all levamisole patients were cured against only 76% of the controls. Three levamisole patients reported moderate gastric complaints.