
Köle, W.; Müller, V.

Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 104(9): 551-556


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-409X
PMID: 525086
Document Number: 140949
When persistent or recurrent pain appears following a cholecystectomy, precise clarification is required (ERCP). A long stump of the cystic duct should be cited as one of numerous different causes. If reoperation is indicated, the stump must be searched for radiomanometry should be implemented in order to ascertain possible choledochus stones or a stenosis of the papilla and redress these in the course of the same operation. The existing stump must be resected in any case. Among 5020 operations for benign diseases of the bile duct (1961 to 1977) 88 cystic duct stump resections were performed without fatalities. With the exception of 2 cases the operation remedied the patients' complaints.

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