Migration inhibition of sensitized mouse spleen cells by cell-associated transplantation antigens: effect of method of antigen presentation

Jacobs, S.K.; Preisler, H.D.

Clinical and Experimental Immunology 33(3): 386-388


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-9104
PMID: 737893
Document Number: 128966
The migration of specifically sensitized mouse spleen cells following exposure to allogeneic cells (antigen) in vitro was studied. The migration inhibition recorded when sensitized cells were admixed with allogeneic cells in capillary tubes (mix method) was compared to the inhibition observed when allogeneic cells were suspended in the culture chamber media (non-mix method). Specificity as well as a higher degree of migration inhibition were obtained using the mix method, suggesting that this method is superior to the nom-mix method.

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