Effects of a beta-adrenolytic and a diuretic vis-à-vis hyper-reninemia induced by isoprenaline in anesthetized dogs. Value of beta blocking-diuretic interaction
Linée, P.; Le Pollès, J.B.; Lacroix, P.; Pape, D.; Quiniou, P.; Van den Driessche, J.
Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales 171(1): 218-223
ISSN/ISBN: 0037-9026 PMID: 20199 Document Number: 121210
Intravenous injection of isoproterenol increases plasma renin activity (PRA) in anesthetized dogs. S. 464, a new beta adrenergic blocking agent, injected five minutes before isoproterenol, inhibits plasma renin hyperactivity. On the other hand, teclothiazide, a thiazide diuretic, induces no significant modification of the isoproterenol-induced increase of PRA. The combination of both compounds (five parts of S. 464, one part of diuretic), assumes the same inhibitory effects as S. 464 alone. These results and other experimental data (antihypertensive and diuretic activities) are discussed and explain the interest of such an association as a rational therapy of arterial hypertensive disorders.