Antibacterial therapy of urinary tract infections. Results of a clinical trial with the combination sulfamoxol/Trimethoprim (= CN 3123)
Peters, H.J.; Nuri, M.; Popa, G.
Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 119(12): 409-412
ISSN/ISBN: 0341-3098 PMID: 404528 Document Number: 116583
In the present paper, the use of the combination preparation sulfamoxol/trimethoprim (CN 3123, Nevin [Grünenthal], Supristol [Nordmark]) in urinary tract infections is reported. This preparation was used in 165 patients of both sexes and all ages. The initial dose was 2 tablets followed by a maintenance dose of 1 tablet every 12 hours for a treatment lasting 10 days on the average. The preparation led to asepsis in 69% of the patients with chronic urinary tract infections if the organisms were sensitive in vitro. In asymptomatical urinary tract infections complicated by fistula and transurethral indwelling catheters, on the other hand, elimination of organisms was only attained in 46%. In our opinion, antibiotic therapy is not indicated in these patients only after taking off the indwelling catheter.