Effect of dioxane on the functional state of the central nervous system of rats
Solomin, G.I.
Kosmicheskaia Biologiia i Aviakosmicheskaia Meditsina 11(2): 87-89
ISSN/ISBN: 0321-5040 PMID: 850377 Document Number: 113048
Chronic toxicological studies on dioxane, which may be found in the atmosphere of space capsules, were conducted. Rats were subjected to inhalation of dioxane fumes in various concentrations for 3 mo. The functional state of the CNS was evaluated on the basis of changes in the motor chronaxie of antagonist muscles and the correlation coefficient of extensors to flexors. Changes in the excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus were observed and the threshold concentration for dioxane was set at 4 mg/m3.